Monday, December 27, 2010

Snow Day - in Pictures...

Ohh... I found it!


Here I come to save the dayyyyy!

Bring Back, Bring Back, Bring Back... pant...


MINE! Namm Namm Namm

Time to shake the snow off...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Rufus and the rest of the Schwartz Family would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

Rufus was enjoying a bit of the Winter Wonderland that we were receiving this morning -- snow flurries, and decided to show his holiday cheer.  

We then proceeded to enjoy the beauty of the day and play 'Bring Back' with Rufus' favorite toy.  All was great fun until what to our wondering eyes should we behold????  ...but Rufus squatting directly over his favorite toy, that he had dropped to do his business.....  well... he did his business - ON his favorite toy!

Funny, he didn't want to 'Bring it Back' -- and we didn't exactly ask him to either!  Boy do I hope the local pet store has a sale after Christmas on dog toys!  (Big Eye-Roll)

Fortunately, we do have one back-up 'Bring Back' toy left.  Never fear, he will still be able to play his favorite playtime game.

So, a Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night! 

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve!

Not a creature was stirring except maybe a Rufus!  We gave him his Chrismas present early, a LARGE monkey knot on the end of looped rope.  It really sounded like a great gift idea -- something he could sink his teeth into without shredding it in his nomal toy destroying 5.6 nano seconds.

As it has turned out - I don't think he will ever be able to shred it -- it is the really large monkey knot and he can't quite get his mouth around it...  However, he can and does love to grab the looped rope end and shake his head back and forth ---- and then let go!  Um, a flying knot of corded rope is HEAVY and really hurts when it catches you unaware on the hip bone!  (Not to mention, leaves an ugly purple bruise!)

He thinks this is great fun, and repeats it, well.... repeatedly!   We are working on getting him to play with it mostly in the kitchen where there is a nice sized open space.  Fortunately, he doesn't seem to care where we let him toss it around, so that part is working.

I do wish someone could explain to me how he can whip that sucker back and forth and NOT konk himself in the head and knock himself out.  So far the only injuries are to us and an occasional item that gets knocked over.  It is also nice that he has such a great treat drive, that when necessary, I can distract him with a treat filled kong -- so we have time to treat our bruises.

Rufus is such a love.  He will happily try to climb into your lap and give you a hug (and kiss) if he catches you sitting on the floor, all 80+ pounds of him!  And he seems especially excited if you are trying to wrap presents and there is wrapping paper and boxes sitting on the floor near you.  It adds to the excitement of showing you how much he loves you if he has to, um.... remove, all the obstacles that you must have placed in his way to make it more fun!

On the training front, he has proven himself the super smart dog that he is and now we all can take him out for fetch (or as we call it, "Bring Back") enjoyably.  He has learned that it's just as fun to Bring Back the toy and gently drop it at our feet as it was to run us down and try to grab it back out of our hands before we could throw it again.  He is a cute adorable puppy in an 80 lb. body, and he is learning the difference.  With the exception of the monkey ball toy, he has also brought his new lessons of 'gentle playing' inside as well as outside.  So despite my true stories of a gallumping Rufus, he does actually play nice in the house with us.

He unfortunately hasn't figured out that our cat's do not understand that the huge lumbering dog just wants to be friends and play - the toned down playtime has not yet extended to the cats, which needless to say has not endeared him to them...  At least we have been able to determine he is not trying to eat them, just play with them.  We now just have to figure out how to get him to be more gentle -- and of course at this point, I think the cats will be needing therapy to get over the shock of Rufus bounding after them with great abandon!  (When he manages to sneak past the gate).

This Christmas holiday has definitely been made better by the fostering of Rufus!  He has brought laughter and love into our house.  A little extra work too, but you never get anything for free - and the rewards of watching him learn new things is, well.... WOW!  What more can I say!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Who IS this Dog???

I am so Super-Duper AMAZED at the huge difference that 1-visit made with Aja Harris (Mutt Magic Training Services - yes, a shameless plug!)!!

Wow - we were making progress with Rufus in the everyday leash training, sit, down and I finally managed him to want to follow the 'drop it' command when we were playing.  However, we had a ton of grabbing for the toy (by both of us), barking and jumping around when I tried to either get the toy or prepare to throw it.  With me usually on the losing end! The extreme barking part is also a BIG no-no, especially at our 6:30am walk/playtime.  Rufus also has this very loud, deep bark!! Yikes~~

I showed Aja what Rufus and I do, and then she showed me what I should be doing --- now we are having much safer (for me) and quieter play times.  We are still at a spot where we take longer between throws, but after 2 times of the 'new and revised' commands - he understands what he is supposed to do.  I think we'd have it down completely if he wanted the 'proper way' every time.  This dog is really smart!!
(Actually, if I could explain it properly - and had a few hundred pages, I would explain AGAIN how much smarter Rufus is then I am.  He immediately found one little loop hole in the process, so he could gain a little bark without breaking rules... I'm rolling my eyes here).

I have always known professional training assistance is vital, and for my purposes with a Mobility dog - even more so.  But I have been around dogs for 20 years and have learned lots of tricks -- but in 10 minutes Aja showed me just how much I didn't know.  And not just for the tough stuff.

So, excitedly, I am sharing that Rufus and I are enjoying our playtimes so much more.  And those lessons, and corrections carry over into the inside, daily stuff.  By keeping myself as boss, even on the playing field - it further instills that I am the boss at all times.  (All Rufus had to do was ask my husband, and he would have told him THAT!)

Sheesh - I just realized, I am probably the most excited about what Rufus and I have been doing for the last 2 days but this is the most serious post I've made.  Sorry --- just picture me wiggling with excitement, and Rufus and I doing the happy dance.
--------- there, that should have helped!!! :)

Monday, December 13, 2010


Yikes - it is COLD outside!  I think Rufus has wanted to go outside proportionately according to the drop in degrees of temperature.  In other words, the colder it has gotten outside the more often he asks to go out!

I've got the mastering of layers down pat - and I think I earned a speed record of layering and un-layering this morning at his usual 6:30 am wake up playtime!  UGH!

Although, we are also learning that to ask to go out to potty (which is a different and obvious set of actions by Rufus) -- and NOT needing to actually go, will get Rufus a time out.  He gets a certain amount of time for his potty duty (depending on whether he is acting like he might need to go, once outside, or he is looking for a twig to toss in the air).  If he is tossing a twig, we go back inside and have kennel time.

We did this 5 times yesterday, and only 2 today (as in # of times he DIDN'T have to go - not actual potty breaks).  Progress!!

Now he still asked to out for his playtime today about 150 times, and despite the adorable, pleading look in his eyes and the toy hanging from his mouth, we stuck to three.  We tossed the toy only until he started losing interest.  Normally we may stay out to coax another 100 or so tosses - but my fingers were numb.  Last I checked it was about 20ºf.

I even brushed about a pound of loose fur off of him in hopes he would find it chillier with less excess fur.... NOPE!  But at least the dust black bears are now more like the size of dust raccoons.

I'm asking Santa for an Arctic Parka, battery-operated heated socks and a Nanook of the North hat!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

One More Thing for Tonight!

I did it!  I got Rufus to look at me in a way that was not so adoring... actually it was like a, "Are you CRAZY?", look.

We just finished up another play in the mud and muck moment (it's been raining for a few days here), and Rufus did not understand (in the LEAST) why I felt the need to wipe off his paws!!   If he could roll his eyes he would have done it ~~ a lot.

We were both covered in mud and muck (go figure) and I thought it prudent to wipe his paws with a towel to help keep down the amount of mud and muck we tracked all over the place.  Hey, every little bit helps.  He was very cooperative, he just thought I was NUTS.

I so wished I could have captured that look on film (well digital image anyway) - it was priceless.

Okay - just wanted to share in another fun moment with Rufus... :)

And So it Goes...

As Rufus lay's at my feet snoring that adorable little snore of his, I'm pondering a nap myself... and it's only 12 noon!

Baby steps - but we are actually making even more noticeable progress (however, I can't WAIT until the professional trainer can meet me later this week in person - instead of over the phone advice).  Any furry little object still obsesses Rufus, no matter how delicious the treats I have in my hand are... roll-eyes.  But today I focused on 'Drop It' while we are playing fetch.  After suffering too many accidental bruises from Rufus and his exited actions with his toys (with Rufus being a solid 80 lbs, it's easy for it to happen) - I figured I needed a safer method of playing.  As in Scouts - Fun with a Purpose!

It took him three (and I mean exactly three) throws and retrieves before he understood Drop It.  As I banged my head on the side of the deck for not thinking of this before...ugh, he happily brings the toy back and drops it at my feet!  This dog is apparently smarted than me.

Now the sit and/or lay down WITHOUT barking for the next throw will take a bit more time, he definitely is starting to understand.  I just think he likes barking for his toys.  He will sit or sit then lay down depending on my command, but I have to wait out the excitable barking.  He really hates it when I fold my arms (with toy completely out of reach and or hidden) and ignore him.  As soon as he stops, I give him the command (sit or lay down).  If he barks we go back to the ignore part.  No toy was thrown until he was quiet --- can I just say that our play time was REALLY long today?

I do have another quality to add to Rufus' long list of amazing qualities.... he is also a KLUTZ.  LOL, I am the only person who could fall in love with a dog (that I'm hoping will make the grade to be a service dog-- to help me with balance) that is also a klutz like me!  The first time he tripped over the marble transition strip that covers the flooring between my bedroom and bathroom (and is only maybe 1/2" high) - I went into hysterical giggles.  My laughter was apparently very contagious for Rufus and he immediately joined me.  I did refer to my klutziness right?  At the time I was leaning against the bed, not actually sitting on it and when Rufus came over and excitedly put his paws on my legs - we both went down.  That got me laughing even harder, which didn't help my situation.  I'm laughing so hard, I've got tears running down my face and Rufus was happily licking them all off.  I think I even snorted a few times.  It took about 5 minutes for both of us to calm down, but a fun time was had by all.

... even my husband, who was standing in the bathroom at the time and did nothing but watch the show! Sheesh!

Oh, and just so you know I'm not making a judgement on that one action, Rufus tripped into his kennel that night (and a few other times) and the wood floors are a slippery challenge to him on many occasions.... (we've added a bunch of throw rugs around to help).

I have to give a big THANK YOU to The All Shepherd Rescue group for all their help, answering ALL my questions for this past week as I go through a Foster to Adopt program with Rufus to make sure he really is the perfect fit.  I have gone from 'oh no Rufus will not work' to 'Oh My Gosh this is the PERFECT dog', probably 3 times a day (I might be exaggerating that just a bit).  The organizers of All Shepherd Rescue are so totally committed to making sure their dogs find the perfect match and get the best care -- and they have been a huge help to me.  And Aja Harris from MuttMagic Dog Training has been so helpful in getting me through the little things (properly) so I can make sure I'm only helping Rufus and not getting a quick fix to an issue.  Even despite her massively booked schedule, she still manages to answer my calls and questions.

I'm getting a few estimates for fencing in our side yard,  it would benefit Rufus greatly to have a solid barrier (not just the invisible fence) until I can trust that he has truly gotten over the desire to chase small furry critters.  None of my previous dogs had that prey drive, and the invisible fence was extremely effective and secure.  My internal intuition says Rufus is so not ready for that type of containment.  So all activities with Rufus are done on leash - either a short leash and choke collar - or for play time a 30' lead and a flat collar.  The fenced area will be a better training/play area for whatever comes our way.  (just hope it can be done at a reasonable rate!)

As you can see we are learning and playing and having a grand ol' time!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Just a Few More Things...

Got a little bit of progress tonight -- granted it was tonight, and we were all in the immediate vicinity, but it's still progress in my book.

When I would catch Rufus catching sight of a cat through the gate that separates the room, I would call him to come to me. (his 'Come' is pretty good).  And when he redirected his attention to me and came over, he got a treat.  We started noticing that he wasn't doing the menacing stare and bark... it was more of a just "I see you".  Apparently the treats were more interesting than the cats. Yeah!

Later this evening, while my son and I were watching a movie, a cat jumped the gate into Rufus' side.  As I got up to hopefully intervene quickly, I heard Rufus get up (but not the jumping to his feet thing) and the cat just came back over the gate.  No barking, no rushing, no hissing... bonus.

Well here is a few pictures to share from our day....

Any idea how hard it is to capture a running dog chasing his toy????

 HA! Got one!!!

 Boy, he is all tuckered out!  Look at that face....

And THAT is the face of .... Oh MY GOSH, Rufus just farted!!!!  *Snort**

Going on Day 3...

Whew are we having fun! I can't believe it's almost been 3 full days!

Rufus is settling in nicely, getting a feel for our household movements.  He is a smart as well as a goofy boy. You have to be careful about the words you say out-loud, even if you are just talking.  He knows 'outside' so well, that if said AT ALL in any conversation -- he gets excited.  I'm trying to come up with different and less common words and phrases.... :)

There is a lot less pacing and we are noticing he is relaxing enough to lay down in our presence.  Well, maybe I should say Ka-Thunk down, as I don't think laying down is one of his more graceful moves.

Outside (whew - at least I can type that word without him noticing... yet), he is one energetic boy.  On his walking leash, he may not know his manners but doesn't pull or tug.  I usually don't even have to put pressure on the leash, a simple 'no', or 'Rufus come' will most often bring him back to me.  Not close to a heel yet, but awesomeness all the same!!!

Bring out a toy and whoo hoo!  The front legs go down, his butt goes up and tail starts wagging.  He loves fetch.  I have found that different toys mean different things to Rufus.  He has the twisty rope thing, (that I had to cut off the remains of the tennis ball) which is his FAVORITE retrieve toy.  The toy with a kong and some flat webbing attached is his 'maybe retrieve, maybe stop and throw around' toy.  But either way he gets his exercise!

It's so cute, after a romp outside he will come in and Ka-Thunk down and next thing you hear is this adorable little snore.  That's when I know we had our fun!

The cat chasing is a soon to be serious work in progress.  Trainer intervention on THAT one!  Although,  I dare say my one cat has proven himself almost as smart as Rufus.  Dexter, is a male cat that adopted us last winter and although lives here - still finds going outside an important part of his day.  Since Rufus now occupies the cat exit door area of the house (the cats get the other side of the house), Dexter has taken to meowing (and meowing...) to let us know he wants to go out.  We shut Rufus in the bedroom, Dexter skirts the area and slips out!  Dexter uses his normal 'knocking' on the door to let us know he wants back in - and the process is repeated.

No, we are NOT owned or trained by our cats - really.

Rufus has lots of polishing to be done, but the only real concern I have is the small animal chasing thing. He has so many great qualities that will easily turn him into a beautiful gem with focused training and lots of love!

And of course it is impossible NOT to love him, especially since he gives it soooo unselfishly!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Rufus Joins Us...

I'm so excited, we picked Rufus up on Friday evening!!  All I can say is WOW!  (Yes, that is a good thing).

He was super excited to get into the car, and my son sat in the back with him.  I'm not sure who was having a better time snuggling...  I would say about 20 minutes into the drive, Rufus realized he was driving further away from his Foster Family.  He sat up and quietly stared out the window,  but you could definitely tell he was sad.

As we pulled into our driveway, my son unhooked Rufus's leash from around the back of the seat (a doggy seat belt harness is in order!), and I opened the door.  Apparently Rufus wanted out of the car.... NOW.

Morgan handed me the leash, Rufus pushed behind Morgan and both came tumbling out -- Morgan backwards and upside down, while Rufus jumped down with grace!  As I helped gather my son from the ground and tried to stifle my hysterical laughter, Rufus thought the whole thing was just darn good fun!

After a potty tour of the yard, we moved inside to introduce Rufus to my husband and the cats.  I do have to wonder at the possible humor of the assessment that Rufus is good with cats.  He LOVES them - as appetizers! **Yikes**  Right now everyone is separated!  I'll get with the trainer on the proper way to safely start introducing them.

He settled down in his kennel for the night without a hitch.  I think he was tired out from all the new smells, people, places and small furry objects.

Early to bed means early to rise! Good thing John and I had to get up early to go to work/Scout Training, so the early morning wake up call was just fine.  Morgan spent the day with him, walking him, playing tug of war (Rufus is REALLY good at this one) and all but going through the HUGE supply of stuffed squeaker toys I bought.  That boy (Rufus) is killer with squeaker toys!  :)  We are happily accepting donations of stuffed toys, large tennis balls -- and super industrial strength Rufus proof dog toys~~

John got home first and Rufus became his shadow for a while.  And when I walked through the door, arms laden with bags and papers from my day of training -- Rufus was sooo excited!  Papers and bags went flying and Rufus thought this was also just grand.  After chasing after all the papers and trying to get to them before Rufus, I sat down and just pet him.

Rufus and I went outside for some MUCH needed fun.  He was full of pent up energy!  We played fetch the twisty cord thing for a good 45 minutes! Amazingly the ball attached to the end is still intact.

We came in, warmed up while I got some things done around the house and Rufus took turns following someone.  He is still confused about all of this newness, but he is so gosh darn cute - until you turn around and trip over him of course ;)

Before bed he had another chase the twisty cord thing and a potty walk and happily went to bed.

He is super smart, picks up on cues and commands fast!  Doesn't always want to act on them - especially if he is playing with his twisty cord thing (and no, I have no idea what it is called!).  But this was day one (and 1/2).

So now you see why I started this with WOW!

We will be heading to the pet store for a different dog food, he isn't thrilled with our choice (rolleyes) and of course a few more toys!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Getting Excited....

I met Rufus tonight!!  He is so Golly-Gosh-Darn Cute!  Well, with a name like Rufus, what could you expect.  I posted his picture from the rescue sight a few posts back - but here is a picture we took of him and me tonight.

Isn't he just the most... everything?  He was a bit confused tonight with all the people there - the foster family, coordinators from the rescue group, new people to meet (that would be us) and another German Shepherd that seemed a little put off by the attention Rufus was getting.

He is living in York, PA with his foster family at the moment - and with any luck Aja (the trainer that will be working with me) will be able to talk with another trainer that met him yesterday and get a better feel for him.

He had so many positive traits - didn't startle, has a huge toy and treat drive, he even walked like a gentleman up and down the steps with you... no racing here! (whew!)  Not a big puller on the leash - which is huge considering he is no lightweight!  He needs a few reminders, but not enough to yank me off my feet. Yet! :)

I think he is THE ONE!  So just a short post tonight - I figured I've been keeping too quiet lately anyway and I just HAD to share our evening with everyone.

As soon as I get more information, I'll fill you in -- and hopefully he will be coming to his forever home SOON!  (it's not like I'm a very patient person..... )