Thursday, January 27, 2011

Meet Phoenix...

It's been a little while since I posted, but we had a new Foster Dog come to stay with us and had some settling in to do.  He was originally named Weinand, changed to Phoenix - but unfortunately answers to, um... Stinky.  He is, stinky that is - and hubby was goofing around and calling him Stinky and as it turned out that was what he started answering to -- go figure.  He really didn't answer to any name, and throw in the fact that every time I went to call him I was trying to remember what his name WAS... I ran down the list; Rufus, Weinand, um... dog - oh Phoenix.  I felt like that Mom with lots of kids and she goes through all their names before settling on the correct one...

Stinky is a beautiful GSD with some serious socialization issues to work through.  He has bonded with us very easily, now we just have to work on him meeting others without fear and going out to new places.  We already had our evaluation with Aja of Mutt Magic Dog Training and have a laundry list of things to work on, and Stinky has proven to be a smart dog.  We've added 'drop it', 'down', 'leave it' (sorta), 'wait' to his list of things he knows and he is MUCH better on leash.  Which considering he is a solid 80 lbs. and I tip the scales just over 100 lbs. - that is a good thing!!!

Here are some pictures of Stinky (ok - Phoenix) since we got him, including playing in the snow today:

His first night with us~

Our Doggy Angel


Even snowballs ~~ Catch...

Yes, I know I am Handsome!!

Where did it go??? Where did it go???

Yum, Snowballs!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Burger King Night Thank You

I want to sincerely thank those that made it out on this cold night to help support the Burger King Fundraiser!  We also received numerous used cell phones and ink-jet cartridges!

A hearty WARM Thanks goes to Dawn Teel from All Shepherd Rescue, who spent most of this very, very, cold night standing outside promoting the fundraiser... brrrr! You are the best!

And a Big Wonderful Thank You goes to the Burger King Staff (in Hickory, MD - Rt. 543 & Rt. 1) for all their help, support and just being darn good friendly people!

Receipts will be tallied and we'll get totals later in the week.

For those that have asked for additional drop off spots for ink-jet cartridges and used cell phones - I will get a schedule together in the next few days where there will be a drop box, and post it here on the blog.


Stephanie Schwartz

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Rufus Gets His Forever Home!

I figured this deserves a separate post.  I took Rufus out today to meet approved adopters, and he stayed.

I wasn't expecting to be so excited about him adopting out.  I know he wasn't my fit for a service dog, but we have grown so attached to him.  I/we have worked so much with him and played with him and was loved by him -- and now I couldn't be happier that he has found the absolutely perfect forever home.

I made it about 3 whole miles away from their house before I cried for a few minutes.  But then I felt good - I couldn't help but be happy!

We obviously are still looking for the right service dog for me, and I really hope to also continue to foster for ASR.  Although, just for the record - my cats don't echo that sentiment! ;)

I saw the equivalent of the happy dance by the cats today (kinda weird if you want my honest opinion) when I walked in the door.  They obviously knew because the scarediest cat of all scaredy cats was sitting nonchalantly in the dining room -- I haven't seen her in WEEKS unless I was pouring food in their dishes.

So it's quiet here tonight.  But I can rest easy knowing that Rufus is probably whining for attention in his new home -- and getting LOTS and LOTS of it!!!!!

New posts and pictures as the "Quest" continues!

Thanks again for everyone's support and love -- you have all made me feel so blessed!!!

Reminder - Burger King Night

I know I haven't posted for a bit - after the cute snow pictures, the mud pictures just weren't doing it for me.  Then it got cold again, then it got busy..... you get the idea!

For those of you in the Bel Air, Maryland area -- don't forget to come out and have dinner at Burger King in Hickory (Rt 543 and Rt 1) this Thursday night (1/13) between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.

This is also a good time to bring your old/used cell phones and ink-jet cartridges - as I will be having a collection box there that night!

Thanks again for everyone's help -- I have already received amazing support in the way of donations and phones/cartridges.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!