I'm so excited, we picked Rufus up on Friday evening!! All I can say is WOW! (Yes, that is a good thing).
He was super excited to get into the car, and my son sat in the back with him. I'm not sure who was having a better time snuggling... I would say about 20 minutes into the drive, Rufus realized he was driving further away from his Foster Family. He sat up and quietly stared out the window, but you could definitely tell he was sad.
As we pulled into our driveway, my son unhooked Rufus's leash from around the back of the seat (a doggy seat belt harness is in order!), and I opened the door. Apparently Rufus wanted out of the car.... NOW.
Morgan handed me the leash, Rufus pushed behind Morgan and both came tumbling out -- Morgan backwards and upside down, while Rufus jumped down with grace! As I helped gather my son from the ground and tried to stifle my hysterical laughter, Rufus thought the whole thing was just darn good fun!
After a potty tour of the yard, we moved inside to introduce Rufus to my husband and the cats. I do have to wonder at the possible humor of the assessment that Rufus is good with cats. He LOVES them - as appetizers! **Yikes** Right now everyone is separated! I'll get with the trainer on the proper way to safely start introducing them.
He settled down in his kennel for the night without a hitch. I think he was tired out from all the new smells, people, places and small furry objects.
Early to bed means early to rise! Good thing John and I had to get up early to go to work/Scout Training, so the early morning wake up call was just fine. Morgan spent the day with him, walking him, playing tug of war (Rufus is REALLY good at this one) and all but going through the HUGE supply of stuffed squeaker toys I bought. That boy (Rufus) is killer with squeaker toys! :) We are happily accepting donations of stuffed toys, large tennis balls -- and super industrial strength Rufus proof dog toys~~
John got home first and Rufus became his shadow for a while. And when I walked through the door, arms laden with bags and papers from my day of training -- Rufus was sooo excited! Papers and bags went flying and Rufus thought this was also just grand. After chasing after all the papers and trying to get to them before Rufus, I sat down and just pet him.
Rufus and I went outside for some MUCH needed fun. He was full of pent up energy! We played fetch the twisty cord thing for a good 45 minutes! Amazingly the ball attached to the end is still intact.
We came in, warmed up while I got some things done around the house and Rufus took turns following someone. He is still confused about all of this newness, but he is so gosh darn cute - until you turn around and trip over him of course ;)
Before bed he had another chase the twisty cord thing and a potty walk and happily went to bed.
He is super smart, picks up on cues and commands fast! Doesn't always want to act on them - especially if he is playing with his twisty cord thing (and no, I have no idea what it is called!). But this was day one (and 1/2).
So now you see why I started this with WOW!
We will be heading to the pet store for a different dog food, he isn't thrilled with our choice (rolleyes) and of course a few more toys!