Wednesday, September 1, 2010

1st Visit with Fido's for Freedom

I drove down to Laurel and talked with a number of people at Fido's for Freedom; director, matched clients (a person who has passed the training and been matched with their dog), trainers and I watched both the Therapy dog training and the Service dog training sessions.

It was very interesting.  I was fascinated by the therapy dogs - they were better behaved then the service dogs.  However, the service dogs were of a younger group of dogs and there were only 4-5 service dogs and clients working tonight.  I watched in awe as 5 service dogs and a few therapy dogs were lined up on one side and left in a sit/stay.  The handlers walked to the other side of the room and at once called their dogs ---- mass chaos ensued as 7 dogs went in the direction of their handler only to be distracted by other dogs, people or just the sheer enjoyment of moment and 2 actually chased each other right out of the room.  And at one point during the session, a cute little Golden Retriever decided she was done and laid out flat on the floor and wouldn't move.

Obviously I need to visit some more, I'm going to at least give my application to my neurologist to complete for submission to the program.  I can continue to visit during their training sessions and watch and ask questions until the application process is completed, then provided I'm accepted to the program I can start training with various dogs until the right dogs finds his/her way into my hands.

The downside to this process is it's over 100miles each trip and $4 in tolls, and I will be making a minimum of 24 trips before I can be placed with a specific dog.  The dog selected is obviously the one that meets my needs and may not be the one I think is right, and could be male or female (we are VERY partial to male dogs).  And there could be a long wait depending on whether or not they have a dog to match my needs.

The upside is the cost (not counting gas/tolls) is very reasonable and I will be working directly with the dog on training that is specific to my needs.

There are still many things to consider and I guess I'm just going to have to sit back and have a little patience... (not my strongest point...)

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