Thursday, January 27, 2011

Meet Phoenix...

It's been a little while since I posted, but we had a new Foster Dog come to stay with us and had some settling in to do.  He was originally named Weinand, changed to Phoenix - but unfortunately answers to, um... Stinky.  He is, stinky that is - and hubby was goofing around and calling him Stinky and as it turned out that was what he started answering to -- go figure.  He really didn't answer to any name, and throw in the fact that every time I went to call him I was trying to remember what his name WAS... I ran down the list; Rufus, Weinand, um... dog - oh Phoenix.  I felt like that Mom with lots of kids and she goes through all their names before settling on the correct one...

Stinky is a beautiful GSD with some serious socialization issues to work through.  He has bonded with us very easily, now we just have to work on him meeting others without fear and going out to new places.  We already had our evaluation with Aja of Mutt Magic Dog Training and have a laundry list of things to work on, and Stinky has proven to be a smart dog.  We've added 'drop it', 'down', 'leave it' (sorta), 'wait' to his list of things he knows and he is MUCH better on leash.  Which considering he is a solid 80 lbs. and I tip the scales just over 100 lbs. - that is a good thing!!!

Here are some pictures of Stinky (ok - Phoenix) since we got him, including playing in the snow today:

His first night with us~

Our Doggy Angel


Even snowballs ~~ Catch...

Yes, I know I am Handsome!!

Where did it go??? Where did it go???

Yum, Snowballs!

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