Saturday, December 18, 2010

Who IS this Dog???

I am so Super-Duper AMAZED at the huge difference that 1-visit made with Aja Harris (Mutt Magic Training Services - yes, a shameless plug!)!!

Wow - we were making progress with Rufus in the everyday leash training, sit, down and I finally managed him to want to follow the 'drop it' command when we were playing.  However, we had a ton of grabbing for the toy (by both of us), barking and jumping around when I tried to either get the toy or prepare to throw it.  With me usually on the losing end! The extreme barking part is also a BIG no-no, especially at our 6:30am walk/playtime.  Rufus also has this very loud, deep bark!! Yikes~~

I showed Aja what Rufus and I do, and then she showed me what I should be doing --- now we are having much safer (for me) and quieter play times.  We are still at a spot where we take longer between throws, but after 2 times of the 'new and revised' commands - he understands what he is supposed to do.  I think we'd have it down completely if he wanted the 'proper way' every time.  This dog is really smart!!
(Actually, if I could explain it properly - and had a few hundred pages, I would explain AGAIN how much smarter Rufus is then I am.  He immediately found one little loop hole in the process, so he could gain a little bark without breaking rules... I'm rolling my eyes here).

I have always known professional training assistance is vital, and for my purposes with a Mobility dog - even more so.  But I have been around dogs for 20 years and have learned lots of tricks -- but in 10 minutes Aja showed me just how much I didn't know.  And not just for the tough stuff.

So, excitedly, I am sharing that Rufus and I are enjoying our playtimes so much more.  And those lessons, and corrections carry over into the inside, daily stuff.  By keeping myself as boss, even on the playing field - it further instills that I am the boss at all times.  (All Rufus had to do was ask my husband, and he would have told him THAT!)

Sheesh - I just realized, I am probably the most excited about what Rufus and I have been doing for the last 2 days but this is the most serious post I've made.  Sorry --- just picture me wiggling with excitement, and Rufus and I doing the happy dance.
--------- there, that should have helped!!! :)

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